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All Saints Day Soundbath

Come and hear Level 10, Liverpool’s exciting choral ensemble, in one of the city’s most historic and atmospheric buildings. Indulge yourself in a unique immersive sound bath and experience the…
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Blue Monday Soundbath

It’s Blue Monday, the saddest day of the year. Take a moment to relax and let our choral sounds wash over you. This is a free event but entry is…
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Christmas Carols Service

A selection of Christmas carols. Venue: Our Lady of Lourdes Church, corner of Waterloo Road/Arundel Road, Birkdale, PR8 3DA. (Nearest station is Hillside, just a short walk across the road)

Evensong soundbath

Our reworking of the traditional evensong service, held in the Lady Chapel of Liverpool’s Anglican Cathedral.


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